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Witchampton CofE First School

Religious Education

Content covered in RE across the school ensures a wide range of religions are covered. Each topic is carefully thought out to ensure progression throughout the child’s RE journey through the school. As a Church of England school, we aim for children to explore Christianity each year, whilst also experiencing perspectives of non-Christian religions.

We use the Understanding Christianity to supplement our planning and learning, aiming to respond to the children’s thoughts and questions. We follow an enquiry approach which allows for the children to not only learn new things and ask questions but to delve deeper into applying this knowledge further.

Teachers have identified the key knowledge areas and skills within each religion and these show progression throughout the school. Each lesson and new topic involves recapping previous learning, ensuring greater confidence for pupils and opportunities for reflection. This reflection is a crucial part of RE learning as it helps children foster their own opinions and ideas, but also for teachers to respond to children’s needs and questions.

Lessons are designed to challenge all pupils and to help children to explore their own concepts and ideas. RE is a key connector to individual spirituality and allowing time for this to grow is important. All aspects of RE respect the school’s commitment to inclusion, and reinforces the importance of British Values and School Values of Love, Courage, Inspiration and Respect. 

Each class includes a Spirituality Area, which children are able to interact with in both structured and unstructured times. This builds on the idea that RE is more than just a subject to be taught in schools, it underpins many aspects of our individual and philosophical needs. The children also have opportunities during the year to participate in Godly Play which provides a dedicated time to explore spirituality and enquiry whilst also promoting wellbeing. This is delivered using stories from the Bible. 

Where appropriate, we make cross-curricular links so that learning is repeated in several contexts and children are given opportunities to recall knowledge and skills, strengthening their long-term memory. This also applies to our Collective Worship whereby knowledge and concepts are reflected. Educational visits and visitors are also encouraged to enable children to gain real-life experiences and interactions.

Learning and teaching in RE is interactive and practical, allowing opportunities for children to work independently, in pairs and in groups of various sizes both inside and outside of the classroom. Teachers address the varying needs of all learners, differentiating activities where necessary and as appropriate, and ensuring an appropriate level of challenge. Outcomes of work are regularly monitored to ensure that they reflect understanding of the key identified knowledge.

In the Early Years Foundation Stages (EYFS) RE is infused throughout the child’s day to day life in the classroom. Although it is taught explicitly to the children, many important aspects of the RE curriculum can be found throughout the Prime and Specific Areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language; Understanding the World. The children are encouraged to explore their own ideas through play and investigate our natural world.


Parents do have a right to withdraw children from Religious Education and Collective Worship and should discuss any reservations they may have with the Headteacher. 

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