We would like to wish you a warm welcome to our school. Witchampton Church of England First School is an extremely happy school. We aim to preserve the friendly atmosphere and ethos of a small rural village school, and prepare children for the future through an understanding and knowledge of Christianity and Christian values.
Our whole school is a learning community in which all are valued as individuals, and where our staff and governors have high expectations of all children. We are committed to providing an enriched, enjoyable and inclusive curriculum in which all children make the best possible progress and achieve high standards whatever their needs or abilities.
We are a Level 1 Rights Respecting School and have the Eco-Schools Green Flag award.
Our fantastic and dedicated team of staff and governors are always ready to support you and your child; and we are privileged to have fantastic support and expertise from the Friends of Witchampton School and the local community. We operate an open door policy, which means when you come to school you are welcome to 'pop-in' and speak to any of us should you wish to. We are also always open to fresh ideas and invite you to share them with us either by telling us personally, by email or in the suggestion box inside the entrance.
Choosing the right school for your child is a major decision so you are most welcome to visit us to meet the children and staff and to view all the exciting learning we do in school. Please telephone the school and speak to Mrs Middlebrook on 01258 840684 or email the school office at school@witchamptonfirst.net to arrange a time to visit.
We believe that Witchampton First School offers wonderful opportunities for all our children. We are extremely proud of the school and look forward to working with you to ensure your child has the best possible start to school life.
Cathie Bolton
Interim Head of School